A lot of the visitor attractions in our area have also started to open. All require advanced bookings and please check their websites before visiting, as some are only partially open. These places to visit are already open:
Kenilworth Castle https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/kenilworth-castle/
Warwick Castle https://www.warwick-castle.com/
British Motor Museum, Gaydon https://www.britishmotormuseum.co.uk/
National Trust properties; Upton House, Charlcote Park, Badesley Clinton, Packwood House https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/lists/warwickshire
Compton Verney https://www.comptonverney.org.uk/
Twycross Zoo https://twycrosszoo.org/
Stratford Butterfly Farm https://www.butterflyfarm.co.uk/attraction/
Fargo Village, Coventry https://www.fargovillage.co.uk/